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Groupe de Magali D Rojas

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Ľudovít Leško
Ľudovít Leško

Analysis De Estados Financieros Ismael Garcia Amparo Pdf Download

Analysis De Estados Financieros Ismael Garcia Amparo Pdf Download

Análisis de Estados Financieros: un buen punto de partida para tomar decisiones gerenciales (Analysis of Financial Statements: a good starting point for making managerial decisions) is a book written by Ismael García Amparo, a professor of accounting and finance at the Universidad Adventista Dominicana (UNAD) in the Dominican Republic. The book aims to explain the correct way of preparing and interpreting financial statements according to the International Accounting Standards (IAS) in force.

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The book is divided into ten chapters, covering topics such as the generalities of financial statements, the balance sheet, the income statement, the cash flow statement, the statement of changes in equity, the audited financial statements, the analysis and interpretation of financial statements, the methodology of financial analysis, the complementary elements to financial analysis, and the impact of inflation on financial statements. The book also includes a bibliography, a glossary, and an index.

The book is intended for students, teachers, and professionals who are interested in learning or improving their skills in financial analysis. The book provides practical examples, exercises, and cases that illustrate the concepts and techniques presented. The book also uses a simple and clear language that makes it accessible to readers of different levels of knowledge.

The book is available in PDF format for download from various sources on the internet. One of them is [], a platform for academics to share research papers. Another one is [Google Books], a service that allows users to search and preview books online. A third one is [UNIBE], the website of the Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) in Santo Domingo, where the book is listed in the library catalog.

To download the book from any of these sources, users need to have a compatible device and software that can open PDF files. Users may also need to create an account or sign in with their existing credentials to access some of the features or content. Users should also be aware of the terms and conditions of each source and respect the intellectual property rights of the author and publisher.

Análisis de Estados Financieros: un buen punto de partida para tomar decisiones gerenciales is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about financial statements and how to use them for decision making. The book offers a comprehensive and updated approach to financial analysis that reflects the current standards and practices in accounting and finance.

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